First - Grant of Usage Rights
Eduardo J. Renard Julián (hereinafter, THE DEVELOPER), with ID number 48495539Q, is the owner of the software Topoedu (hereinafter, THE SOFTWARE), granting a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and limited license (consisting of an alphanumeric code) for use on a single device, as outlined in these terms.
The licensee, an individual or legal entity who purchases the license, is entitled to use the SOFTWARE on one (1) single workstation. License activation and registration require an internet connection, at which point the license code will be linked to the unique ID of the computer and the user’s email.
The license is limited to installation on a single computer. License migration to another computer is allowed once per year after the last activation or migration. Additionally, the licensee may reinstall the SOFTWARE on the same machine up to five times per year without substantial hardware changes, such as replacing the motherboard. For additional installations, contact technical support to purchase more licenses.
Second - Delivered Materials
THE DEVELOPER provides the licensee with a link to download the SOFTWARE installer, as well as user manuals available on the website A registration code will also be provided for each purchased license.
Third - System Requirements
The SOFTWARE is designed to run on systems meeting the following requirements:
• Processor: Intel Pentium II or higher.
• RAM: According to operating system requirements.
• Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11 (32 and 64-bit).
• Disk space: At least 300 MB of free space.
• Display: Minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
• Required applications: .NET Framework 4.8 or higher.
• Required software:
Microsoft Word (essential for generating technical reports).
• Recommended additional software:
AutoCAD or software compatible with DXF files.Google Earth or software compatible with KML files.Microsoft Excel or compatible with XLSX files.
Note: An internet connection is required to register the SOFTWARE and verify updates. The licensee must ensure that the firewall or antivirus allows the SOFTWARE to connect to the Topoedu license servers.
Fourth - Warranty and Technical Support
A two-year warranty is provided from the date of SOFTWARE purchase, covering technical defects that prevent proper installation or operation.
Free technical support is available for the first six months following the purchase. Technical support is limited exclusively to issues related to the installation and operation of the SOFTWARE. It does not include assistance with topographic methods or support for specific project development. Additionally, support will not cover problems arising from specific device configurations, such as blocking by antivirus software, firewalls, lack of administrator permissions, or corporate configurations that restrict the software's functionality. The licensee is responsible for ensuring the device has the necessary permissions to install and run the SOFTWARE.
After the free support period, the licensee may purchase extended technical support services at the current rates.
Fifth - Use of Additional Services ( and Chat - Topoedu)
The SOFTWARE includes access to for storing files related to the licensee's topographic projects, as well as the Chat - Topoedu messaging service. The use of these services for storing or transmitting files unrelated to the SOFTWARE, or for transmitting illegal or inappropriate content, is prohibited. Misuse of these services will result in access being blocked by THE DEVELOPER.
Sixth - Intellectual Property
The SOFTWARE and all its elements are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. The licensee is not entitled to reverse-engineer, decompile, modify, or distribute the SOFTWARE without prior written permission from THE DEVELOPER.
Seventh - Migrations and Updates
The licensee is entitled to maintenance updates of the purchased version at no additional cost. Upgrades to higher versions are not free and will be subject to the current rates.
License migration to a new computer is allowed only once per year, starting from the date of the last successful registration. The migration process involves deactivating the license on the previous machine, allowing activation on the new machine.
Eighth - License Recovery in Case of Loss or Damage to the Device
If the device on which the license is installed is stolen, lost, or suffers irreparable damage, the licensee may request manual deactivation of the license associated with that device. To do so, the licensee must provide reasonable evidence of the incident (such as a police report in case of theft, or a repair invoice specifying the changes made).
THE DEVELOPER will assess the request and proceed to deactivate the license to allow reactivation on another device. This process is subject to a fixed administrative fee to cover the costs associated with manually deactivating and reactivating the license. For more information on this fee, the licensee should contact THE DEVELOPER via the support channels listed in this agreement.
Ninth - Termination of the License
The license will be terminated in the event of a violation of the terms set forth in this document, such as fraudulent or improper use of the SOFTWARE. In such a case, the licensee must uninstall the SOFTWARE and delete all copies.
Tenth - Responsibilities
THE DEVELOPER will not be held liable for misuse of the SOFTWARE or for errors arising from improper device configurations. The licensee assumes responsibility for the data stored and managed by the SOFTWARE and must perform regular backups to prevent data loss.
Eleventh - Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
The licensee must comply with all local laws and regulations in addition to the provisions contained in this license. In the event of a dispute, the laws of Spain will govern, and any dispute will be resolved by the courts of Murcia.
Twelfth - Modification of License Terms
THE DEVELOPER reserves the right to modify the terms of this license and the SOFTWARE usage policies at any time. Changes to the license terms will be notified to the licensee via the automatic update functionality integrated into the SOFTWARE. If a new version of the SOFTWARE includes modifications to the license terms, the user will be notified during the update process, and acceptance of these changes will be required to complete the installation and continue using the SOFTWARE.
If the licensee disagrees with the new terms, they may opt not to update, although this may affect the availability of new features or bug fixes. Continued use of the SOFTWARE after the update implies acceptance of the new terms.